Doubling Point Lighthouse
Arrowsic, Maine
The Doubling Point Light

Doubling Point Light was established in 1899 as an aid to navigation on the Kennebec River to warn mariners of two hazardous, double bend turns on the northwest end of Arrowsic Island. Doubling Point Light is still an active navigational aid. It is 23 feet above mean high water and shows a flashing white light every four seconds that can be seen for 9 nautical miles.

The Friends of the Doubling Point Light Non-profit was awarded stewardship of the lighthouse in 1998 under the Maine Lights Program.

Our purpose is to maintain and protect Doubling Point Lighthouse and its surrounding property, to preserve the navigational aid for users of the Kennebec River waterway, preserve access to the lighthouse and property during open hours for historical study, interested citizens, and small educational groups. In addition, the Friends organization protects and regulates the use of the property so that it does not become a nuisance to the residents of Bath and Arrowsic, nor to its neighbors along the private, gravel access road leading to Doubling Point.

There is no fee to visit and enjoy Doubling Point Lighthouse. However, to help support our ongoing preservation efforts, along with necessary road and property maintenance costs, any donation to the Non-profit, 501(c)(3) Friends of the Doubling Point Light, is greatly appreciated!

Passenger vehicle access to the lighthouse, via privately-owned and maintained gravel roads, is allowed between 9:00 a.m. and 5 p.m. with the understanding that all visitors will drive with care, obey the posted 15 mph speed limit, watch for pedestrians and pets, as well as respect the privacy of the property owners along the private-access road, and the residents occupying the privately-owned Keeper’s Quarters.

Visitors are welcome to walk directly to the walkway entrance out to and around the lighthouse. Entry into the lighthouse tower occurs once annually during the American Lighthouse Foundation and Coast Guard-sponsored Maine Open Lighthouse Day in September.

There is a mystery at the lighthouse! Click here to see!

© 2023 by Friends of Doubling Point Light